Monday 1 October 2012


The touch of his hand across my back makes me quiver but I don't stop him. I ignore the discomfort he causes me. He presses his lips against mine and compliments my supposedly beautiful eyes. 'What a cliché thing to say,' I wonder. I, once again, conceal this thought and pull him closer towards me resolute upon 'getting right to the point.' He doesn't seem to share my sentiments and insists upon holding me in his arms as he stares into my face. I can't help but feel awkward. He opens his mouth to speak and in order to avoid conversation I slide my head down to his pelvis and start blowing him.

I end up spending the night because he has an AC and a nice big bed and I'm too stoned to find a rikshaw to take me back to campus. In the morning he asks if I'll come visit him again and I nod my head.

When I get back to campus, I'm met with the expected inquiries of my friends 'Where have you been?'

I reply calmly 'I spent the night at a relatives.'

They believe me.

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